

is an actor and director based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Previous directing credits include NEWSIES (Hillbarn Theatre); THE 25th ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE, THE MAD ONES, NEXT TO NORMAL & HEATHERS (Pacifica Spindrift Players); and LEGALLY BLONDE & RENT (Vassar College Theatre). Favorite performing credits include Aurthur Kipps in THE WOMAN IN BLACK (Pacifica Spindrift Players); Joey in SISTER ACT (Redwood City Community Theatre; Harold Hill in THE MUSIC MAN (Stuart Hall Theatre); and MAMMA MIA, CABARET, LEGALLY BLONDE, SWEET CHARITY & FIDDLER ON THE ROOF (Hillbarn Theatre). He also spent 4 years as the Artistic Director at Pacifica Spindrift Players.

When not on stage or directing, Doug manages a recruiting team at Roblox and goes to more Barry's Bootcamp classes than he cares to admit. He lives in San Mateo, CA with his partner Vinnie and their dog Emmett.